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We are growers and hand-crafters of quality lavender products. Our mission is to provide the absolute best lavender products and great customer service at the lowest possible prices. Visit our online shop to see the great line up of aromatic, medicinal, and all-natural lavender products.

Lavender can improve your life by reducing stress; its natural aromatic properties induce relaxation of the body and mind and assists in lowering anxiety. Lavender is a centuries-old healing herb; it was used as part of wound care during the Civil War and WWI. Lavender also has an array of culinary uses.

Look around our online shop to see an array of lavender products that could help you heal, relax, and even cook and bake better! We also offer wholesale lavender products (contact us for inquires). To sample some of our products and see the shop in-person, take a look at our Event Calendar to see when we’ll be coming to a city near you.
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